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Tratează păpușile sexuale ca pe o persoană



I received my first TPE sex doll from urdolls 2 weeks ago. Her body is a gorgeous 156 cm D cup. I will share some suggestions for my practice. First keep her at rest, usually naked or wearing soft, non-tight material (such as dresses, shorts/T-shirts, etc.). Recommend white clothing for beginners. When she is resting, make sure the arms and legs are slightly separated and do not touch other TPE material areas. This arm and leg placement prevents any TPE from adhering to the TPE material. You need to spend some time to understand all the joint and pivot point movements of the doll. Relax. Determine the cleaning material you want to use. Above, it is recommended to use liquid detergent and water in spray bottles. Some guidelines recommend the use of antibacterial soaps. Wipe the alcohol (70% solution) with a soft cloth. Alcoholism is the safest and cleanest way to wash your dolls. After washing, give the doll a powder. Someone recommended baby powder (talc). Recommended by others - I am the same - corn starch. If you have not decided yet, try both.

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I tried to treat my papusa sex like a person. So buy something that a real girl wants/needs, such as a brush, a makeup brush, etc. In order to protect my hands and feet, I bought some light gloves and put them on the doll's hands to protect the fragile fingers. A single finger slot also helps hold your fingers in place. For the feet, I placed some white, non-ankle socks to protect the toes and soles. This is so exciting, I agree with the doll protection information you posted. This is very interesting, I just want to get a complete doll, the real sex doll is also the one I want.

2019-07-15 05:29:23

On the homepage, the pictures in slideshow depict some real sex dolls. These dolls clearly depict underage girls. I didn't go too far, but under the 100 cm and 132 cm models under the "body" heading, they It is said that these bodies have no sexual "organs" and no space is added. I am worried that these are legal. Are these legally purchased or viewed only in the United States?

The doctor turned around in the chair, glared at him, and asked bluntly if he was ready for a prostate exam. He swallowed, tightened his spine, and said. She asked him to go behind the screen, put down his pants, and bend over on the bed. When he followed her instructions, he heard the buzzing sound. Not completely sure that he has no hallucinations, he will quickly get out of the car and follow her. Once inside, she was nowhere to be seen. He shook his head, walked to the receptionist and confirmed his appointment.

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