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Îți place păpușa ta sexuală

8.8 K


In order to maintain the position/pose of the sex doll, I found that the silicone doll is better. Released over time, but I also know that many reported joints are very loose. Sin has a smoother flow of joint movement. Both are known to be damaged for a variety of reasons, but are often caused by a joint that is too tight first. It's a very fine line between moving too tight and too loose to hold posture. Silicone dolls have better movement and control in terms of limb rotation. I don't know much about it, but no matter what you decide, I believe you will love your sex doll.

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8.8 K


I will say this, no matter which sex doll you choose, you will be shocked and very happy. Even the best photos can't match how great they look. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses. After I studied it carefully, I finally decided which one is the best. Things to consider, because these dolls are handmade, the makeup is done by hand, they will be very close, but no two dolls will be identical. No matter which doll you choose, she will become a major investor. Websites and photos will only give you the feeling of a păpușă de sex din silicon in your home. Anyway, you are not alone. Many sex doll owners report that they are happier with less demanding sex dolls.

2019-07-15 06:13:27

Most people here have shown good judgment in publishing doll pictures, and we are very happy for that. I think if you have real sex dolls that look very pretty, please don't give us empty vaginal injections, then put on some clothes and show them. Before we saw the rules, we didn't know what the violations were ... Obviously, we were very keen on people taking pictures. So please consider these words of encouragement.

"Is it fierce?" he asked. Vicky realized that she couldn't speak. She was not sure whether she would say it in a low voice or yell, or whether her words made sense. It seems that her whole body has to learn how to work again. She nodded. "Okay. I want to do more and find new ways to get you, not just between the legs." Todd gave Vicky a big smile. "I like to be between your legs, but-it is difficult for me to find the right words to express how I feel about you. I think if I can show your body as much as possible, you will act like I hope I can feel it the way I can tell."

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