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Păpușile sexuale pot oferi o eliberare sexuală

8.8 K


It seems that sexual dolls provide at least one sexual release that does not depend on the consent of any other person. In addition, the doll is beautiful for the owner - he designed the "dream girl". I heard that some people seem to think that it is too expensive to be with a real woman! But I am not sure if they are joking. But what has been said so far shows more that some men (probably men) have tried hard to interact with real people, but they cannot relate to real people. To be frank, I suspect that some people who complain about rejection may refuse to know without knowing it. For example: having a perfectionist attitude towards the body. It is unusual or embarrassing to have sexual desire or desire. It is best not to let the real woman join. Sex dolls can help you.

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8.8 K


To facilitate discussion of the papusa sex problem, let's talk about cost. Plus your monthly living expenses, calculating your relationship with women will cost you 50%. (This is optimistic thinking) Now multiply this number by 12. It may be lower than the cost of a love doll in a year! As for the cost of dating services. My man has wasted hundreds of dollars to join every online dating service. Result date? zero! ! ! Most are just fake profiles set by the company to lure you to use the stock photos of the model. The porn star Sandy Summers always seems to be constantly appearing. Other profiles of attractive girls turned out to be girls who just advertise their own personal paid porn sites. What do you think about the cost of sex dolls.

2019-07-15 03:29:03

I think these real sex dolls are obviously sold for sexual purposes. The way the body is dressed is just clear evidence. I also want to know why these dolls are sold next to sex dolls, which is another shocking evidence! In a sense, they seem to promote the idea of having sex with a little girl, so I find it evil but not sound.

Nina's hands reached up to her pillow and gripped it. A low sound started deep in her chest, growing louder as it reached up through her body until it issued forth as a full, guttural scream. Her body shook with the force of her orgasm and Richard felt chill bumps spread over his body as a euphoric feeling swept over him. It was not an orgasm, but it was like it, so much so that it left him feeling warm. He watched the wetness from Nina's pussy increase as the dildo met the resistance of her tensing muscles.

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