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Sunt foarte surprins de frumusețea și realitatea păpușilor sexuale



This is my first article here, and I hope this issue has not been defeated. I promise that I have tried to find any good comparison between TPE and silicone sex dolls. I hope to buy as soon as possible, not just for sexual purposes. After being in a poisonous marriage for most of the decade, I just don't feel that another "real" woman is what I need now, and my control style makes it difficult for me to maintain relationships in order to find a solution to my problem. I accidentally found through the urdolls, they were very surprised by the beauty and reality of one of the real doll models. Although I think this is ridiculous, in fact I can imagine having one of these dolls around the house and taking care of it. One thing that led me to a real sex doll was that I fell in love with the appearance of one of their prefabricated models. So they won't guess what will arrive.

Vagin Perucă Investi

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You must remember that no one has the latest version of each sex doll. Therefore, the characteristics of previous problems may have been corrected in the latest production model. As a comparison of păpușă de sex din silicon and TPE, both owners are like apples and oranges, not two apple varieties or two orange varieties. Offers different pose options, "game" options, sports and bending performance. The head is made and connected differently. The eye system is also different. Silicones are different, and the coating or "sealing" is different, giving a different feel. I hope that the core of the bubble is different. I believe that the hands are different and their weight is different. I have "played" recently, and I can prove that everyone's experience is completely different, both of which are great in their own way. The first thing to do is to take a closer look at the sex doll website. And determine the artistic interpretation of your favorite female form.

2019-07-15 06:02:00

What about our forum's rules about apparent minors? Sorry, I mentioned this real sex dolls theme, but I'm a bit strange to it. Maybe here in the United States, we have reservations about explicit pretty pornography, but this is also a legal issue with some serious consequences. My concern is not a culture.

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Anunț despre păpuși sexuale reale

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