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Câteva știri despre haine pentru păpuși sexuale



I am very curious to hear that you have news about sex doll clothes. I know you said you want to use lighter colors instead of leaving them on the doll for too long. But I want to know what the best colors are and how long to leave them on your girl? I like the "companion" of the doll more than other activities. So I want to find some pretty clothes, I can stay in my beauty for a longer time. Any suggestions/help will be very sincere thanks. Thank you very much for any information you provided. I really look forward to this adventure. I am new to this, but I have long been lingering / considering / waiting / wanting to know about sex dolls.

Piele Vagin TPE

Un singur răspuns:



This is not itself a 'color'. It is a color dye on fabric that can be infiltrated into dolls. When you buy any clothes for your papusa sex, be sure to pass it through the washing machine one or two times to remove any excess dye, otherwise it may stain the doll. Although it doesn't look like she is somehow injured, it is not a permanent problem. The silicone will leach the dye within a few weeks. Are you not looking forward to dressing up? The predominantly black dark color will show more lint. It has no harm, but it can cause confusion. I have never encountered this problem, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Please note any clothing that has a strong vinyl or shiny appearance. Use these carefully and make sure they don't rub her too hard. They can stain her. Pay attention to clothing that is textured like crocheted clothing, and if too much pressure is applied, it will leave marks. Some basic tips are: Wash all new clothes before putting them on your sex doll. A potentially harmful dye can contaminate her.

2019-07-15 03:02:18

You should never encourage your pretty-like doll maker to do business by promoting your real sex doll on a forum. I just checked the doll's website and found it to be sexually oriented. The 132-centimeter and 100-centimeter dolls are shocking, even if they claim to have no sexual organs and no sexual function.

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