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Ar trebui să am încredere în acest furnizor de păpuși sexuale



I bought a doll almost from a sex doll website on Friday morning. The total order amount is almost $1,000. I can't believe that I spent so much dough on sex toys, but I am ready to take risks. They show the PayPal icon prominently as a viable payment method, but when I go to checkout and reach the payment portion of the entire transaction, it only offers two options. One is a bank/wire transfer to a bank account in Japan, and the other is a bank/wire transfer to a bank account in Germany. I clicked on the Japanese option. It then saves my order invoice to my account and says that the doll will be shipped when the wire transfer is completed. Sex dolls still sit there as a complete order, but no pay. In fact, I have never paid any fees on the Internet in this way, and to be honest, risking to sound like an idiot, I really don't know what to do. I am nervous about all this because this is a lot of money we talk about. I sent them a message earlier today asking if I can pay with PayPal, but I haven't responded yet. Has anyone else handled this? I became indifferent and wanted to cancel the order. I don't want to be ripped off.

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Do you have a link to the website and papusa sex? Then we can get a better idea. I recommend buying a doll from urdolls. I bet they will have the same doll. As far as I know, it takes only more than 3 weeks from delivery to delivery. Although I am in the UK, our customs are a bit slow. Just an idea, have you tried a different browser? I have encountered this problem before, sometimes it may be related to the browser, if you use google chrome on the checkout / paid page to try firefox or vice versa. See if the paypal option on the sex doll website is clickable. I don't remember exactly, but I may have a similar problem. And found a solution, my brain won't go back very well.

2019-06-24 03:46:42

I have been lingering in my head ever since I first met her. She wasn't really bad, but she made the wrong choice and paid a heavy price for it. This is the basis of the real sex doll story. Where does she go from here? This was found in a future photo collection. You must be able to immerse your mind in a "forbidden fruit" fantasy. Developing her character makes her even more real, even if she is not the one in the fantasy.

Every time she strikes, her body trembles, because the mind is easy to do in the pain of every strike, it is sharp, warm and difficult. The feeling of his palm touching her skin made the warmth between her legs soar, and she wanted more, even more. The increase in pain will only make the pain worse, and her arousal will only make her butt more sensitive. "You are a slut just like I hoped." Dave's voice was soft, silky, and smooth, betraying the power to hit Mia's body.

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