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Mod ecologic de a scăpa de păpușile sexuale

7.3 K


Hey guys, as I mentioned in my new hand, I just ordered a lead sex doll to try. See if I can enter this hobby before buying a complete sex doll. Men, it’s all weird and creepy. Some doll type things are not real things. Ok, just throw it out of my regular trash, not smarter. Now, if I decide to throw away the torso/head doll I just ordered, it will be another thing. In fact, I have accumulated several sex toys over the years and hope to get rid of them in an environmentally friendly way. It is safe to just throw these sex dolls into the trash can. Or is there a specific box to recycle them or what? Let me know, thank you.

Selectați silicon TPE

Un singur răspuns:

7.3 K


I just learned something! In fact, silicone papusa sex can be recycled. There is a big one but this is related to it, it is not available in all areas. Therefore, please consult your local recycling organization to find out what they will accept and what conditions they will accept. If your area separates recyclables, I will guess plastic or styrofoam bins. In general, whether it is recycling or processing old silicone dolls (garbage), I recommend cutting each one into pretty pieces, if only to confuse newcomers who might find it. From the chemical point of view, the silicone used in toys is inert, so it is not considered to be a harmful substance, nor is it used to make mesh metal or any body. interesting. I think it can make it easier by cutting it. Haha, anyway, I don't want someone to find a complete hip master in the junkyard and decide to reuse it.

2019-06-24 02:49:23

I believe a company will make it a pretty elf real sex doll, just like a pretty doll. You may need to find them. How many of you tell your friends your doll? What will happen if you do this? I like to go to parties and meet friends. Eventually I think my friends will find and see my doll one day want me to hide something.


How to sell or resell second-hand sex dolls, if you are the owner of sex dolls and want to sell your sex dolls, then we recommend that you choose the same thing. Go to the "Buy and Sell" forum on and post a post to promote your doll to their market. First, you need to create an account. Once approved, you can post all information about the doll. The most important thing to make your list correctly is the picture. You need to provide high-quality images of the doll from all angles. Make sure to provide close-up shots of important parts, such as the pubic area, breasts, face, and feet.

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