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Aștept să sosească păpușa mea sexuală

6.2 K


I ordered a sex doll from a supplier 37 days ago. I just received the tracking information, but I found that it meant creating a tag. This does not mean that it has been shipped. 6 days ago, I made a private purchase on a doll that should be fast-selling. There is no movement. So I think I'm just totally weird or something else because I really feel pressure on these things. I am very uncomfortable with this process. I know that some orders are six times longer than I am waiting for, and I can't even understand. I know people will say that they want to stay busy and do something to get your thoughts out of the subject, but my brain still rolls like the marbles in my head. I can clearly see why people are willing to "roll the dice" like Amazon. This whole thing really makes me wonder if I will buy another doll. If I get the two-piece doll I ordered and they "wear", then I will probably quit this hobby. This is really bad.

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6.2 K


Some people buy a papusa sex to keep them in touch until they are lonely and heal the waiting doll is the most difficult part. As long as you order from a reputable source, everything will be fine. Once you have your first doll, waiting for others will not be so bad, because you can "love the one you have." Dolls are worn very slowly, but if you don't handle them properly they will break down quickly. If the doll resists, she says no, if she presses, she will break. Do what you can to make sure you know what you are doing before you play sex dolls.

2019-06-24 02:32:39

I know there are at least two real sex dolls makers who make elf or elf heads. You can choose any body of them, as well as any color. So now I'm thinking about using dolls to get what I've always wanted. Does anyone have a pixie doll here? Or do you know that a reputable company will produce one? For the elf doll to be persuasive, it must be on the pretty side (size-wise).

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