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Voi trata păpușile sexuale ca o femeie adevărată



Sometimes I want a woman to exist. Let sex dolls always provide me with "existence" here. They are really beautifully dressed, just like other works of art. I will treat a real woman in the same way. For this reason, I chose not to pursue any form of relationship. This is unfair to women. Since I have never considered them "sex dolls", I am very happy to have them. Anyone who visits me will see them. Family and friends come to accept them as part of the furniture. I took the doll to the shooting location. I am one of the few people who appear in the doll photo. Most people think that I am shooting a catalog or magazine, so they give us very little thought. Several people have stopped to ask for sex dolls, so I did as much as I could to tell them without mentioning sexuality. I don't do nude photography at all, I don't object; I am not good at it.

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I don't think anyone remembers the "documentary" that he did a few years ago. He even fooled/forced some papusa sex makers to fund his "big European film promotion trip." And it failed, why people still try to convince the doll owner to say "They" want to make a wonderful new documentary about the ownership of the doll owner/doll. Any form of documentary can be done, if the producer can even find a TV network that can even play it. It is to bring us unnecessary Negative attention because the general public does not want to know our way of life. There is still a lot of religious sentiment in the world, and our way of life is considered to be “guilty” for most people. The general public does not want our way of life. Wandering in their faces, Whether anyone here is willing to admit the existence of a sex doll.

2019-06-29 03:18:24

Whether you like it or not, we all live in a world of judgment, so you should be fully prepared for the variety of reactions that can occur. I fully understand the frustration that hides most of your identity representing the rest of the world, and the desire to eliminate the secrets of all real sex dolls. The "coming out" process can be real liberation and empowerment.

Space-It is important to consider how the sex doll will be stored after it arrives. Is there space under the bed? Maybe you will put her in the closet, or just lay her on the bed. If you don't have much storage space, you might prefer a pretty sex doll because she occupies less space in your apartment than a full doll. If you also have guests, using pretty sex dolls will make it easier for her to hide.

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