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Cum îți tratezi prima păpușă sexuală



Hey, every sex doll owner will get his first doll and want to know what other owners think of her. She is a great doll, but they can solve a lot of mistakes. Because I am familiar with all of this and trying to find my way, any help would be great. She is very beautiful, but only for a few days, and she is not rude, she just wore and poses for her, she tore her arm. She has a lot of wrinkles, but I solved this problem with beautiful clothes, but I can't put any photos here. They should make her body like her face, head and her arms and legs, so they messed up. I spent a lot of time clothes and shoes for her, wasting a lot of money, but I went there size 13 shoes and size 2 skirts and 13-year-old blouse. She has thick, bright leggings on her legs, a short necklace around her neck, a long-sleeve back zip tights, and a top that covers her skin and looks great. They can know how to make and make sex dolls a little better with a little bit of it. She will be the best-selling doll in the world.

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I met one of them at a recent papusa sex conference. They actually feel very good about casual touches, or in my case, groping. You saved a lot of money to buy this doll. If you only want a partner or showcase, she should be all the dolls you need. However, if you are looking for a comprehensive experience of the doll, I suggest you upgrade to TPE or silicone. They can't be on her thin skin made of a different material. Maybe some materials can be sprayed, dipped or vacuum sealed. If you need to wear a wig on a T-shirt pin. In most cases, the wig should remain unchanged. Because my time with her is limited. So I just tried to arrange the sex dolls carefully, except for the head adapter design check. I will be very interested in the feedback and dresses of people who have already let sex dolls go through longer and constitute her.

2019-06-29 03:28:08

Regardless of whether the reaction is positive or negative, at least you have put yourself there, stepped out of the shadows, and said to the world, "This is my true identity." As humans, we should never be ashamed of ourselves. If you really want to be public with this, go for it! To reiterate what Sergey said, if your friends are really "your friends," no matter what their initial reaction is, you won't lose real sex dolls.

There are many reasons to buy sex dolls, but in most cases there is only one reason. People buy sex dolls because they want a real sex experience that can imitate or even better than sex with real women. The vagina of a sex doll has the same internal texture and feel as a real vagina, but your doll cannot yet imitate the wetness of a sexually aroused vagina. Therefore, in order to get the best experience, it is very important to use high-quality lubricants.

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