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Găsiți un partener despre filmarea documentarelor pentru păpuși sexuale



I am looking for a partner in a filming filming film. I am a newcomer to the sex doll community, and I am very happy to talk to or interview their sex doll Wikipedia community members. If this is a problem, anonymous is completely ok! The idea behind the completion of the documentary is to submit a film festival to reflect the nuances and enthusiasm of the community. I hope this project will show how our society needs to adapt and change now. This is exactly what I want to do. I want to make a movie that helps regulate the community. This movie should be more acceptable to the public than it is now. I am still a newbie, my research is going on, which is why I want to talk directly to people and listen to their opinions and opinions on some of the topics you mentioned! Thank you very much for reading, thank you for your reply! I am very happy to talk to you about sex dolls privately. If you are interested, you can show more examples of my work. If you have any questions about this sex doll project or suggestion, please let me know - I am happy to cooperate.

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Un singur răspuns:



Like you, I also want to know more about papusa sex. That's why I learn as much as possible. Please forgive me if I think I am an expert in this area. I want to make a community-driven movie that shows the true perspective, unaffected by the attention of typical studios. As I said, I am a pretty filmmaker. Although my resources are limited, I hope to help show an emerging trend that changes the way we think. That's why I started here - learn as much as possible. 15 minutes is a suggestion - I don't currently have the resources to make a long film. But I am really passionate about this topic, and I do believe in the power of essays. I often watch short documentaries and I will encourage you to give them a chance - they are usually powerful and concise at the same time. I understand the skepticism of new members and doubts about your sex doll project. I hope that I can work with you to create a doll-inspired thing.

2019-06-29 02:41:07

I don't show my doll publicly (she is private), not everyone understands it, so it is necessary to be open to a closed mind. What really matters is what pleases us. My real sex doll is not alive yet, but she "exists" and her existence is priceless. There are many different opinions and this is a good thing because it is definitely not an easy decision to make.

"Are you ready to spank?" Dave gave her a smile, which was casual and dark. The bright contrast with his eyes made her tremble. "Yes." Mia's voice was very small, and she knew she didn't sound convincing. Dave took her by the hand and led her to the living room. He guided her to stand by her sofa and put her hand on her arm so that she would bend over slightly. "This is how you want to spank."

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