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Vreau să știu cum să aplic ulei pe pielea păpușii sexuale



I have seen videos of how to make dolls, but I want to know how you can cheer your sex dolls. For example, how do you paint the entire body of a doll with mineral oil. Do you use a brush, a rag or a hand? I think oil-based products and TPE are a taboo for silica gel? Do you mean that the terrible warnings of every TPE-based toy I bought are bunks? thank you for your help. I will get a TPE doll and they recommend oiling them. I just want to know how to apply oil to the skin of a sex doll. I have a grease nipple, but it only fits her three factory holes.

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I have a way to hang a papusa sex in the shower. Although most TPE dolls can stand, I think it would be better to get her support. Try to catch the oil doll. I first use baby oil on the doll to help loosen the dirt and then wash it with a dishwashing liquid. Then let her oil again and let the oil seep in. I dipped oil on my hands, but washed her with a face towel. After drying, I used cornstarch baby talcum powder and then applied the powder with another face cloth. Silicone dolls do not carry oil. In fact it may damage them. Sex dolls only need soap and baby powder. The benefit of cleaning her in the shower is all the confusion in the bathtub, which can flush the drain.

2019-06-28 02:43:47

I'm pretty sure that some of my friends have secrets that I don't know, and that it won't diminish the friendship we don't know about them. As for the accidental discovery of house guests ... that's why I have a beautiful big townhouse with a lot of lockable real sex doll storage areas.

"Oh, my goodness! Yes, like that, fuck me like that!" She cried, arching back. As Mr. Thurman stared at her gorgeous, crumbling, mushy ass, he felt a dynamic orgasm, just like any other time when he started to approach the top. "Damn! I want to cum!" Sydney boiled, "Fuck, fuck...oh!" She moaned an orgasm. When the girl's pussy squeezed and held his penis tightly, Mr. Thurman gasped. He was thrown onto the boat, squeezing her hips, groaning as his jazzy sound filled her sweet unt.

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