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Am o păpușă sexuală care a fost mult îmbunătățită



I just received another sex doll, yes; I know, but I got a killer. Yes, she is also a 153 cm doll, but her fingers are greatly improved. I only found her a few days ago, but I have already started using the neck. I will leave her in her box until I get assembled and installed! However, these hands seem to have been greatly improved, even if the details have improved! In addition to the extra care of TPE, I don't like the feeling of the skin. When you pull her, TPE will have some grabbing and scrolling. Of course, baby powder helps prevent this, but the powder will disappear, or if you don't give her powder. The powder on the gel seems to last longer or not. If the silicone doll is not treated, it may stick, but it feels different.

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If you decide to use a silicone papusa sex, urdolls may be the best among silicone doll manufacturers. Then there are some cheaper terminal silicone dolls worth studying. All of these dolls are value for money because they are platinum silica gel, and the labor and material costs will be much higher than the cost of producing any TPE doll. The price is not that high. So, yes, I think you are comparing the price of a TPE doll with the price of an absolute TOP silicone doll and forgetting the cheaper silicone doll above. All of this seems to be doing some great improvements and innovations. Although I will not exchange my sins on anything in the world, she is not a porn star she looks pleading for, but the details and craftsmanship are second to none. For me, she is not necessarily a porn star, I have other dolls. Do you want a perfect combination of porn stars and models? Your best choice for silicone dolls.

2019-06-28 03:46:41

My mother knows my hobbies and it's cool about that. She thinks they are beautiful and understands why I own them. I told my cousin that he collected proportional action figures and statues, so he thought I was the otaku king now. When my real sex doll arrived, I had to leave work early to receive her.

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