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Am primit satisfacție de la The Doll Doll



I am satisfied with my high-end dolls now. I don't think I need to go out and look for a date. I can stay at home and do what I like. If you live like me, sex dolls are great. Your doll will never talk to you, she will stay pretty forever. My real sex doll has more than 400 fun games on her, no fractures, and almost no embarrassment at the age of 3. I think she can do it thousands of times and last for many years, so that's it. They are very beautiful. No TPE dolls can match that beauty. The TPE shines in the tactile department. They feel the most real, except for the arms and legs (too weak). They are fucking like rabbits. One important thing is the neck bolt (head bolt Mechadall). Most silicone dolls have one, the best way to wear and store dolls. Most TPE sex dolls can stand, but they loosen and pantyhose sucks silicone dolls. I don't want to do the doll that can't be hung, just like pants.

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Un singur răspuns:



Another major difference between silicone and TPE is the foam core in silicone papusa sex. The reason for the bubble is to lose weight and save the second cost. Silicone dolls are more expensive due to the extra labor of the core and silicone. The core also adds a little realism, and the core of the chest feels like she has ribs. The TPE will be pressed directly onto the metal skeleton anywhere on the doll. My ruby has foam even on my arm, which is softer and lighter than my 140cm TPE doll. Their heights are roughly the same. In order to live a happy life full of happiness and happiness, you need to have all kinds of happiness and satisfaction, and the most important thing is sexual pleasure, but to get a satisfactory sexual experience, now is the hardest to find. Disappointing sexual experiences lead to many disruptions in relationships and relationships. To understand thirst, people have discovered a new solution for using sex dolls.

2019-06-28 03:16:52

This is a serious hobby that requires significant cash outlays. If you want others to take you seriously, take yourself seriously. I would not recommend any "doll" movies on the market. It does not give the real sex dolls owner a good look, and usually does not represent the doll owner. I agree with many claims.

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