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Sper să am o păpușă sexuală într-o zi



I have always liked the idea of ​​a surreal doll, but I still hope to have a toy one day. But at the moment I just don't have the resources of a single person. And the longer I took without questioning this decision, the more I chose the Aimei theme doll because it was really another step in the direction I was walking. I have a tpe doll. I was very dissatisfied with her at first because her joints were too stiff and it was a chore to "play" with her. But because they relaxed, I am very satisfied with her now. She looks very realistic, which is very important to me.

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I have wanted one of these papusa de sex tpe for years. But it was only after a few years that they were so realistic that they caught my interest. As for race, I am only attracted to white women, so I prefer white dolls. I am far from racist, this is just my preference. But I prefer tanned dolls because they look more realistic than pale dolls. I hope this will help if I am satisfied with her. I will tell you when I got a sex doll and wish you good luck.

2019-08-02 03:03:39

Open the package with an unpacking knife or a knife or scissors, then carefully lift the love doll with clean hands. Remember to follow the written instructions included with the package and begin assembly. The strength you carry with you will surely leave you motionless. With her, it feels like her breasts are big. This has a great impact on the quality of the materials used. The molded silicone has high quality and looks like touching human skin.

As he walked through the forest, and the leaves crunched underneath his old boots, the familiar sounds helped his worried mind drift away. For a moment, it was perfect. It didn't matter that his girlfriend of ten years had just left him. It didn't matter that the company he was working for was laying off hundreds of employee's. It didn't matter that his life as he knew it was hanging in the balance. As he walked the old worn down paths that he'd been following since he was a boy, the only thing that matter was that he was alive and well.

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