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Păpușile sexuale variază foarte mult ca răspuns la clienți

8.8 K


Doll companies vary greatly in their response to customers. Urdolls have a high reputation, so I chose them. I ordered a tpe body in early 2015. It was about 15 pounds bigger than the promotion, so I complained that they immediately agreed to replace her with the doll of my choice. So I changed the order to sex doll body B, which is also very attractive and lighter. The abyss paid the return of the A agency and the replacement of the B agency.

Sân Robotul Menține

Un singur răspuns:

8.8 K


I have learned that advertising weights are usually unrealistically low. For novices, I would recommend the urdolls doll company. I met their papusa de sex tpe when I met. Once you get used to the round (but sweet) faces, they are relatively light, but still beautiful. Or maybe it's BoyToy. The abyss told me that they considered my age when deciding whether to make a replacement doll.

2019-08-02 03:09:07

I tested all three of her holes (vaginal, oral and anal) and I can tell you it's fine. On the vagina, the lips and inner walls are well done, almost like it. Happiness always exists. These loopholes will make you realize the craziest fantasy. The vagina and anus are very similar to the real anus, and any man will feel relaxed and content with a beautiful sex doll. The pull of your clothes can damage your love doll. Even if your doll is stained, you can apply the cream that came with the package and let it dry for several hours.

Satisfactory doll love, just like we have different needs and preferences, people have different sexual fetishes, one of which is fetishism. Whether it is having sex with a sex doll or having sex with a partner, this attraction is real and straightforward. For example, my ex is very attractive, seeing me having sex with a doll is a form of foreplay for us.

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