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Motivul din spatele păpușii sexuale TPE selective

8.8 K


I want to know more about the reasons behind your selective doll. For example, if you have an 'unrealistic' anime style doll. Then you prefer this real doll. vice versa? Your sex doll purchase has always been very disappointing for you? First of all, has anyone bought a doll, really disappointed or at least not satisfied? If so, why? (ie what is wrong with the doll). Hey guys - I know there are a lot of comments about dolls, of course, the online catalog is very wide, so I am a bit lazy here. However, if you like dolls that are popular and not so popular. Then your help will be very good.

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8.8 K


I have read about reading problems such as papusa de sex tpe that have some damage. For example, if this happens, will the manufacturer solve the problem. For those who are very satisfied with the doll. What kind of doll is it? You know: huge eyes, big head, pretty body but big bust - like many of the estrogens like the Pixar character. What attracts you to this doll. I have seen dolls very realistic, and on the other hand. The doll looks more like a cartoon/anime character than a real woman.

2019-08-02 02:35:27

This test will give you an opinion on this high-end sex toy for men. How to maintain and maintain a sex doll? As you can see above why people should clean sex dolls, now we will learn how to clean, maintain and care for sex dolls by 2020. Here are some of the easiest methods suggested by doll owners around the world. When your Doll arrives, please be careful to ship the package to a room with enough space.

Even through the fabric, Isobel can see that the queen's nipples are hard. She touched them with her face, hoping that she could put on her dress and look at them. "God, you are so pure," the queen groaned, still slippery and slippery when spinning against Isobel. Her eyes focused on Isabel's breasts. "I came so fast, thinking of you. I hope your cat will always be by my side."

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