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Va face pisica o gaură în păpușa sexuală?

8.4 K


When I first touched the sex doll, I let her lie in bed and my cat traveled all over her. Because she was naked (and slipped onto the cat's foot), my cat poked a hole in her with her claws. I already have a backup. Since then, I have been changing the girl's clothes on the doll stand. Both of my cats were scratched with the ankles of the dolls, but apart from that, I had no problems with the floating cat hair. Most doll wardrobes are on the scrolling hangers in the living room. I have window film plastic to prevent dust and cat hair from falling off on clothes and wigs. My two cats know that these sex dolls don't secretly feed them, nor do they pet them. Therefore the cat will ignore these dolls.

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8.4 K


Soft silicone sex dolls and sharp pet nails are a nightmare in a room. I am afraid that my nails pierce a doll. Pet hair is a big problem with silicone dolls, but I have been around for years, I have not heard of any pets using someone's doll as a scratching post. Most people find that their pets ignore dolls. Because I am allergic to scratching (no serious, just bad edema), my cat is going to the paws in front, she usually walks over Monica, completely ignores her, but sometimes uses her hind paws to catch Grip/balance. So there are some pretty holes in the top of Monica's legs. My cat is 11 years old, because she is a kitten, so she never grabbed furniture. She was completely arrested. In other words, she will destroy an itchy post every 6 to 10 months. I used to worry that the legs of my papusa sex might turn into a tricky post, but she has plenty of opportunities.

2019-07-18 03:11:33

Because I'm sure most of you will agree that it's important to transport our trolleys safely! I am not an expert in this field, but I imported two dolls from overseas. First of all, I want to say that if the customs think they need to search the inside of the real sex dolls container, it will be locked or unlocked.

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