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Sunt păpușile sexuale mai atractive decât oamenii obișnuiți

6.7 K


The gender positioning of realistic dolls allows your eyes to satisfy the doll's feelings. They give people a real sense of intimacy, not just sexual relations with objects. Further, as dolls become more realistic (sports, warmth), they will certainly far exceed "distorted masturbation." Through "sexual orientation" I think that you really like to have sex with a doll and have sex with people. It's hard to imagine now, although I'm sure there are some exceptions. Looking at the future, as sex dolls become more attractive and fun than ordinary people, it's easy to imagine. From my point of view, the answer is certain.

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Un singur răspuns:

6.7 K


My papusa sex is not conscious. For example, do I complete or indeed maintain a full erection, not to mention my aging appearance. A doll can do what a real woman can't do. For example, I suspect that many women can tolerate an hour or so of love, or that her man is dozing off in the heart. The look, feel and caress of the doll are beautiful. I am not saying that real women are not, but it is rare to find women over the age of 60. With a few exceptions, the doll's sexual experience is significantly larger and stronger. They are willing to be as willing and ready to use as I am. And I agree with the gimmick about eye contact and some wig and tilt on the head, which is definitely a feeling of true intimacy. Without it, the whole process is impossible for me anyway. However, a sex doll may be associated with a person's position in life. As a pretty man, the answer may be no.

2019-07-18 01:50:21

You seem to have extended the problem to older real sex dolls ... maybe just a misunderstanding ... we are not at the same time. I can understand that sometimes it is difficult to guess the age of a doll. This time does require debate, and I agree. But I'm really not talking about pretty-looking dolls, I'm talking about pretty-like dolls. No need to fall into useless quarrels. We call it a misunderstanding.

Sex dolls completely eliminate the risk of sexually transmitted infections. Until the day of your purchase, these leisure aids are still prettys and untouched things. These cleaning products keep them clean and free of pathogens that cause sexually transmitted infections. What is even more amazing is that you are the only partner in a relationship. Therefore, you don't have to worry that the doll may be infected from the "outside" and passed to you. This is of course an important reason why you should consider buying realistic sex dolls. is not it

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