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Care păpușă sexuală este cea mai bună?



I really want to make one of these sex dolls so rich. Does anyone know which one is best? How much do I plan to spend? It's all mysterious. I am also new to this, but I believe that some experienced members will be involved. Each doll has advantages and disadvantages. Some are great for taking pictures, but not too "useful." Some are very useful but less attractive. Some are both, and more affordable. So far, I haven't seen a perfect doll, or I heard someone say that their doll is exactly what they want. This is why people often have more than one person.

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As for the price, you need to plan for a full-size, reasonably realistic papusa sex. Some more exotic models. To give advice, we first need to know what your price range is, what your main purpose for the doll is, and which attributes are most important to you. What do you want as the main function of the doll? Photo model? friendship? gender? This helps people recommend the right doll for what you want. Choosing a doll is a very personal decision, and even more is to buy a car or brand of toothpaste. Do your homework and ask yourself what you want most. The price should be your final judgment factor, I wish you good luck and good hunting.

2019-06-11 07:21:41

In addition, it has smaller storage space. Don't, it's better to wear loose clothes, and better not to back. No pressure on the silicone. With your knees bent, your arms and legs should also face outwards. Keep the real sex doll close to the mold. The trick is to make physical contact where it is most needed.

If it looks too good to be true, it may be. The reality is that high-quality and authentic sex dolls are expensive to manufacture. Before submitting credit card information, you should carefully research any supplier or website whose prices seem to be much lower. Unfortunately, for lower-quality manufacturers, the usual practice is to steal/copy the designs of well-known brands. Then, they will sell these dolls with the same product photos and lower prices. This common technique makes customers think that they have a lot of income, but when the doll arrives, they find that the doll is made of cheap materials, which does not exactly match the photos in the advertisement.

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