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Împingerea sutienului oferă vreun beneficiu pentru păpușă?

5.7 K


I want to give my girls some bras for photography (nipple coverage) because sex dolls have different breasts than women. What are the benefits of investing in a bra? Photo comparison is ideal. This is my opinion and others may be different. I said no, almost all the dolls already have lively ostriches. I also believe that most dolls don't have enough soft chests to push the bras to work the way they design. If I do this, I only need a nice padded bra. To adapt and remove the steel ring.

Fotografie Selectați TPE

Un singur răspuns:

5.7 K


The doll tits are very lively, and my TPE tits (two sets) can be easily pushed together and look great. My papusa sex also has a soft nipple, but C and farther. I am worried that the wire will mark her. Her breasts are like inflatable basketballs and won't move or even bounce. It depends on your goal. Sounds like you are trying to create a cleavage? Push-up bras are often used to create larger breasts by shaping soft skin. Because your girl is definitely big enough and not soft enough (like a real flesh), there is no benefit to pushing the bra up. If you want to create a cleavage for your plump girl sex doll, the best way is to use the top tie on the front instead of the back. Then the beast will be pushed together. Most rear straps can be modified to be tied to the front. Here are some examples. These are the back ties until my man modifies them. After reading the bra, I must say that it is much more complicated than I thought. I don't know there are so many different bra categories. As I said before, I think it depends on how the doll makes a bra. The breasts are close together. I think the sex doll above may get some benefits because her chest is very close. The doll's chest is full of movement and does not require a bra. There is already there.

2019-06-11 06:09:22

If you have the right tools, maintaining your doll is easy. The company's front desk is also served by humanoid robots, who are all wearing business outfits, rather than underwear like other toys, waiting to welcome visitors. This can reduce any anxiety or behavioral anxiety that may occur if she is actually present.

We both want to see the front panel of her panties full of desire. She stared at me with that sexy, knowing expression. "Baby, why do you think I let them wear clothes, baby? I know that seeing me become real, hot and drenched, it opened your eyes." I shudder at her dirty conversation, knowing That is just the beginning. "Are you ready for me to prepare for you?"

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