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De unde să cumpărați păpuși sexuale cu funcție permanentă

8.8 K


I don't have experience with TPE, and now there are a lot of sex dolls. Some people know that high-end silicone dolls can support independently, I am not sure. I don't think so, but I may be mistaken. The problem is that even on the light side, I don't know if I have seen a silicone doll that weighs less than 65 pounds. Although not very heavy, it is still not nothing. The last thing you want to happen is a doll that is more than 65 pounds. You can fall from the standing position for thousands of dollars. May cause serious damage to your doll. I don't take risks, such as severe tears, broken joints, broken bones, etc. I don't know that all silicone dolls are like this, but realdolls come with a neck bolt. This is usually hidden in her hair, and if you don't want it, you can have no hair. But this neck bolt helps to store your doll (it's best to let her hang so that no part of her body will be oppressed.) In addition, you buy or build a "bracket" for your doll. . This is usually a type of board with casters (so you can move her) and then a rod with a hook. You can hang her on the hook and let her stand. For photography purposes (if this is your idea) then this booth can be photographed.

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Un singur răspuns:

8.8 K


În cele mai multe cazuri, papusa sex cannot stand alone or even rely on something. But urdolls offers a more rigorous "photography" option that can be customized for the doll's standing options. There are always exceptions. Ok, I have to consider contributing here for a while, because I didn’t personally experience all the dolls I’m writing, I’ll use some generalizations and possible steps for someone’s toes, but the question about “standing ability” is mine. I am very interested in dolls, so I spent a lot of time researching. My first generation of boy toys can be supported; if anyone can make a smooth moving joint, it will stay the same and stay that way. If the joint can stay in position, it is not difficult to get any dolls standing there, which is the key to the problem. Be firm enough to keep the sex doll in position, but then adjust. It doesn't feel like you broke the joints of sex dolls.

2019-07-01 05:35:32

Actually, there is a simple answer-if it is strongly felt necessary to disclose the interest in real sex dolls to friends, family and anyone else, then they should do so. How to do it can be the tricky part. On the other hand, if others don't feel the need to reveal their interest in a doll, then this is an equally valid decision. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only person in this discussion who has chosen a future course.

Once you are sure you want to buy pretty sex dolls, you should start with a Google search to find a website that sells them. You need to browse a few different websites to understand the prices and services offered by each company. Unfortunately, there are some scams in the sex doll market where companies will sell cheap counterfeit goods and use product photos from legitimate suppliers. You will be very disappointed by the difference between the online photos and the appearance of the doll in real life. Hope you met during your research, because we provide some of the best prices for real dolls online.

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