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Un lucru mai captivant decât cumpărarea unei păpuși sexuale



I found something that excites me to buy clothes for sex dolls. I have a lot of very beautiful clothes, I have never worn any dolls, I just ordered a bunch. The worst part is that I know exactly what I am doing. I am even angry at myself. But I want to see girls in those costumes. As they say, “A woman seems to be wearing the most you want to see what she doesn’t wear.” When I started to wander, she wouldn’t wear it for a long time, but sure it looks great! Fortunately, I don't have much of this problem. Most of the things I get are styles that I feel sexy and flattering. I would say that 99% of the clothes are suitable for it, just cut it to wrap her huge hanger. My problem is that some of the things she has encountered before have already got a better version or have been replaced. Thankfully, this is not much. Maybe a shirt and some other things. For this reason, I like to see my sex doll wearing a sexy bra.

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I have the same fun with you, that is to buy clothes for păpușă de sex din silicon. Really I need to see this to make sure I am not alone. I hurriedly bought clothes, waiting for my thoughts, most of them maybe, maybe, I hope to fit. A lot of things are not suitable. And now - one year later, she has not worn half of the things, I am still buying. Guess I understand why women buy so much clothes. In order to avoid the world of dolls. Just received a new doll. Now consider buying a suitable bra. According to the knowledge, the existing elastic material in my sex doll closet is much better. Hope, I can resist wanting to see her in a bra.

2019-07-01 05:08:22

This is our personal life, and in my case, I'm happy that I don't want any changes due to my experience. But sure enough, if you don't feel embarrassed, they will be really cool in coping. In this case, it is most certain that you have the right to a private life. Not everyone needs to know everything about your real sex dolls.

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