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Aceasta este o provocare pentru frumoasa păpușă sexuală

8.8 K


When I left my wife, I missed her very much. The female presence of the pretty sex doll symbolizes my wife like a friend. In this way, the versatility of a medium weight doll provides a very rounded view. And her other head was sold to someone. Her man loves her so much that at some stage he will stop her other body. She decided to take other steps to ensure that her head went to someone else, she would cherish her and rejuvenate her. I might take pictures of my ladies as if they were humans. Even a photo of a sex doll that a friend asked to see.

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8.8 K


But the sense of humor I do is not a denial of reality. In fact, this is a challenge for the păpușă sexuală drăguță itself, and each photo is very interesting. My answer is general rather than you. The dolls around are absolutely amazing - but I don't want to lift them. If I have to buy a stand in this place, I can't do the kind of photos I can achieve. Stand up from it. Sadly, some dolls have never seen photos until they are sold, only one of them may be damaged, and they are repaired only for abuse of functionality again. By the way, now that you know what you are telling us, it makes your work more compelling and makes everyone happy. thanks for all you have done. I think we all will appreciate you. Very exciting photo of sex dolls and the special efforts behind their creation.

2019-09-19 03:45:53

As for worrying that you will leave your wife in the future, I think you are inferring something. From the moment you fall in love with your wife. I am the owner of the doll and I live in a couple. Without the consent of my other half, I did not get the papusa japoneza de sex, but you may impose this choice, which may cause you a lot of distress in your married life.

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