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Nu voi face dragoste cu drăguța mea păpușă sexuală



Over 65 years old and seriously injured. Carrying a 28Kg sex doll is completely impossible for me without lifting accessories. In fact, anything that exceeds 15 kilograms can cause considerable problems, especially when you need to be especially careful. If I give the impression that my doll is just a fucking object then I am sorry and apologize. It is impossible to leave the facts like this. As you said, they bring a lot of fun... but for some people. Like me, I need mechanical help to help achieve this goal. I have a pretty number, but I will not make love with my pretty sex doll.

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They are strict photography models. When I first got the păpușă sexuală drăguță, I did "try" them. Just to see what it looks like. There are errors in the North of the dolls, and I think there is nothing wrong with using them for sexual behavior. I always refer to these girls as "her", "her" or their names. I never call them 'it'. I have no interest in sex. Some people have a deep emotional bond with their dolls, but I don't. When I didn't take pictures, I basically ignored them. I will give sex dolls occasional kisses, hugs or feelings. But this is its existence.

2019-09-19 03:35:45

I am 54 years old. I discovered this universe with great interest, and I didn't know it at all. The news came on Monday when I heard on the radio that someone was programming to rape a sex robot. I want to know more, I just arrived even without a report. Now I'm seriously considering saving money to buy Păpușă de sex japoneză. Good, because I just quit smoking.

Ay sex doll is one of the first adult celebrities/porn stars to embrace the sex doll industry. She has a sex doll made in her own image, which is very popular with fans and customers. Aymi is known for her healthy body and perfect round butt, all of which will be immediately noticed when you see her sex doll. For Aymi fans, this is a wonderful opportunity to be with fantasy girls, and for porn stars, the success of this doll should awaken your idea of creating a doll by yourself.

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