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Acest lucru le face, de asemenea, prima alegere pentru a face mai multe păpuși sexuale japoneze

She can have oral, vaginal and anal sex. She doesn't just provide that; she behaves abnormally. All her holes feel like a real woman. Grandma's big belly couldn't stop her from looking beautiful in a bikini. She is simply too sexy. Perhaps, her C-cup breasts are not too large, is the secret to this beauty. But while she looks great in a bikini, one thing is for sure, you'd prefer to see her completely naked.

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Un singur răspuns:

Seeing this 5ft 3in TPE sex doll naked will definitely give you a rock solid erection. After you've tasted what she has to offer in bed, you'll be looking for more. What does she offer? The Păpușă de sex japoneză provides a fantastic hardcore and anal experience through her realistic orifice.Sex dolls are like women who maintain their sexy body despite their growing belly. If anything, her pregnancy made her even more charming. Just look at those G-cup breasts that have become prominent. Celine's belly is probably the most prominent feature on her body, but that's where your eyes are pointed.But Celine isn't just about her boobs and belly. 

2022-01-29 00:54:17

As a special rubber, it has good mechanical strength, abrasion resistance and heat resistance after cross-linking. Based on these properties, silicone is the most used material in plastic surgery (mainly for breast augmentation), which also makes it the first choice for creating more realistic physical sex dolls. Tpe papusa sexuala have more realistic vaginas, anus, mouths, and more realistic heads, making them look more like a real person. The delicate skin texture makes makeup more delicate and long-lasting. Eyelashes, eyebrows and hair are artificially implanted. Carefully processed facial details allow you to enjoy a more realistic and stimulating sexual experience.They are heat resistant. Therefore, silicone dolls can be sterilized by boiling. Also, you can bring the dolls and use them in the shower or hot bath. Unlike porous TPE, silica gel is a non-porous material and is very easy to clean. Hypoallergenic (similar to TPE). Requires less maintenance than TPE dolls. It has been used in many fields for many years, and the technology is more stable. If you prefer the real face of silicone sex dolls and the soft body of TPE, then there is a third option, silicone head + TPE body. Not only is the price more affordable, but it also satisfies the love of sex doll lovers. It not only looks decent, but also has a soft and elastic body. So it's probably the most cost-effective combination.

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