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Vă rugăm să luați în considerare să vă îmbrăcați păpușile sexuale lesbiene și să o urmăriți

If you search the web for ideas, you'll find several other reasons why people have started using their sex dolls. For example, you can get creative and use her to hang photos around your home. Create exciting memories on your sex doll with nipple clips. Well, at least she is useful.

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In this already too difficult life, no one wants to be alone. We all want someone to talk to, hug and reassure us at the end of a long day, even without sex and intimacy. This is where sex dolls come in handy. If you arrive home exhausted, they will give you a sense of comfort and that you are not alone. They will give you the impression of a shoulder to lean on and someone to care about. If you don't have that special someone, sex dolls can step in when they plan to come up to you, don't you think?Or, if you're going to the movies and don't want to be alone, consider dressing your Păpuși sexuale lesbiene and following her. Even when no one is there, she will be there for you.

2022-01-29 00:54:14

Interactive voice conversations, both sexual and non-sexual, including moaning and dirty talk. She can converse and communicate with people in both English and Chinese. She can also translate. You can have the sex robot tell stories or jokes, or have her do math, and the weather forecast. Because she is connected to the Internet. So she knows everything. Simulation capabilities: Facial expressions where facial movements (head, neck, mouth and lips) change in response to reactions. Animated eyes that can move, blink and blink. Tilt and swivel head, lip-synched, speak without difficulty and will answer any question.High Body Sensitivity: There are multiple touch sensors built into her body. When touching her sensitive parts, such as her arms, thighs, breasts and vagina, she will respond with verbal expressions and moans according to her excitement level. Her vaginal sensors will respond to your touch or penetration. Internal heating system to obtain body temperature (37°C) like a real person. This provides a very comfortable and lifelike body. Electric heating technology is 100% safety certified. 5) Automatically upgrade the system, so that the Păpuși de dragoste has the most stable system and the latest functions. You can connect to and obtain information from the Internet via Wi-Fi. Note: Since the mouth is mechanical, it cannot be used as a sex hole Have you ever thought about giving yourself sexual pleasure with or without your sexual partner? Then your wish is fulfilled perfectly. Sex doll life has everything you need from admiration to ejaculation. With your inflatable doll, you will be able to experience almost the same experience as your real sex partner.


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