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Am folosit parfum pe păpușa sexuală TPE în urmă cu șase luni

6.4 K


Planning ahead of time the ultimate arrival of my TPE sex doll project is an ongoing process. May you all inspire perfume for your girls. It sounds like a silly question so be patient. 1. Perfume is more effective than body spray - is it better than the other? 2. How quickly will the fragrance dissipate if it is used? Did you find one you liked and just stick with it? Otherwise, can you easily wash out the old fragrance and use another one? That's what I'm looking for. I found some very good things in Victoria's secret. And I'm not sure if I should narrow it down to just one sex doll.

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6.4 K


As you said, some people are better than others. In my last post on sex doll perfume, I found a company that sells perfume samples. They're good, but they don't last very long. About a day. Most perfumes are made of oil and alcohol. The alcohol evaporates, but the oil is absorbed into the silicone. In an earlier post, I found a company. They make fake perfumes and similar products, but they use more oil to make the perfume last longer. I used some on the Păpușă sexuală TPE about six months ago and she still smells slightly. It was still a smell that was not too old. As mentioned, perfumes usually last a day or so, and stronger perfumes may last longer. That was my experience.

2019-09-03 23:49:41

If not, that is not the right choice. Hello, I am looking for information about dolls and am motivated to make future purchases. The budget is not trivial and does not want to go wrong, so I am looking for more suggestions, opinions and recommendations. At this moment, I am slowly moving forward but at present my feedback on this brand is not much, between 150 to 160 cm, 30 kg, but all these have not been confirmed yet.

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