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Cuplurile se vor gândi să folosească TPE Sex Doll pentru a-și spori relația

5.9 K


I think, rather than seeing our sex doll ownership as something "unusual." I would rather hope that we can transcend The Times. Of course, many of us fall into the stereotype of the lonely guy with a bit of luck with the girl. But I think more and more ordinary people, couples and so on will consider using dolls to enhance their relationship. I'm going to go to a place where dolls may become more common in the future. I think for 20 years or so, dolls looked almost indistinguishable from real people and touch. In 20 years the doll will be alive, moving and walking. Talk and let you do whatever you want with you. The TPE sex doll will act very much like a real person and respond sexually.

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5.9 K


It certainly sounds very futuristic, but I think we are approaching a point. Păpușă sexuală TPE will become very commonplace. Many "ordinary" people will have them. Less than a year ago, I decided to order a doll because I wasn't interested in anything else. I don't want a new computer. I don't want a new TV. I don't want a new car. I really don't want anything. But then I came across dolls that I had known about for 20 years, and I came across them less than a year ago, and it kind of hurt me... I can actually order one of these dolls. They excite me, they ignite me, I crave them, and I've been working on dolls for weeks and months. It really eats up my spare time, which I have a lot of. I just have to get one. It's the only thing that excites me... Because... I can't remember. That's when I knew it was inevitable. I really want a sex doll that money can buy.

2019-09-03 23:26:27

I want a 150, and when I find it next to it, I find myself small, but I'm smaller than you! Every time you taste his taste, you will see that he is very satisfied with his doll. This is unknown, but I have to contact myself with the manufacturer in China to get some information to operate correctly. I ordered without breasts and then worked at night.

On the "Buy and Sell Forum", you will find many posts from doll owners who want to sell their dolls. You will find dolls that can be sold in all cases, some have not been taken out of the box, and some have been used for a year or more. The asking price usually reflects the condition of the doll, including her experience and wear and tear over the years. The seller will provide pictures and descriptions of the dolls. You can directly create a forum account in the forum and ask them questions or get more information. If you want to negotiate a price, you can send them a message privately and ask for their contact information.

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