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Sunt dornic să construiesc o relație loială și drăguță cu păpuși sexuale

6.6 K


I remember seeing the pretty sex doll when I visited the website. But now you notice the similarities. I was surprised that I didn't notice them before. A little disturbing, but also a bit cool. I understand what you want to say, and many of them make sense. I will never try to give up trying anything that is waiting for me. I realize that I am still pretty, but I think I know myself well and know that this is really what I want. In addition, I have a good understanding of the dividing line between the love of "human" and other forms of love/desire. I am fully capable of distinguishing between reality and sex doll fantasy. Although I think I am different in the sense of growing up in fantasy.

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6.6 K


I am eager to build a loyal păpușă sexuală drăguță relationship. This may sound strange, but it is true. I have always been very introverted, except for a few good friends, I prefer to be alone most of the time. Maybe one day I will have a different feeling, but I have already felt this feeling for about two years, and I have no problem with it. As I mentioned in the answer, I am sure that this is what I want. This is what I have given a lot of thinking. Since I was in contact with real dolls in high pretty. I found myself studying sex dolls at least several times a year. To arouse my curiosity, and this curiosity has surfaced again recently.

2019-09-17 05:16:50

Suddenly, she couldn't be jealous because you happen to be making charming photos with Păpușă sexuală TPE, not humans. Finally, I will bring things in this way. Don't hide it, otherwise this would be where she would doubt ... what's the problem? Well, no, you can already show her existing photos, it's best to get dressed in the beginning and bring her something gently.

Before buying a sex doll, it is important to understand how much your sex doll will weigh. For many owners of sex dolls for the first time, the weight of sex dolls is often an unexpected surprise. You might think that a 70-pound weight is not that heavy, but when it becomes a complete body, it may be difficult to carry and more difficult than a 70-pound dumbbell. If you are an elderly or disabled person, this is a more important consideration. How will you move sex dolls to different parts of your house? How do you put them in different sexual positions? How to take her to the bathroom Before you try, it is important to understand the reality of sex doll ownership.

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