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Am studiat cu atenție fotografiile frumoasei păpuși sexuale

5.7 K


I can of course say that you have completed your homework. I can only say that you have not chosen any sex dolls and will not make mistakes. They are amazing, especially when you see them with your own eyes. Let your eyes tell you which one is right. When your eyes see the characteristics of more than one doll, I know it is hard to accept. Yes, I have carefully studied the photos of the owners of many of these dolls. In order to better understand the views of sex dolls in "real life." In my opinion, they are very good.

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5.7 K


I also read a lot of comments. The păpușă sexuală drăguță I listed seem to be highly praised, which is exactly what I expected. Having said that, if I can get the same quality products at a lower price. Even if there are some minor drawbacks, I want to do this. This is another reason I can't decide. I like Brazilian architecture, but I prefer the height and realism of Brooklyn and Celestine. However, I think I have enough time to think about it. The face is the most important, but my problem lies in your next point; I like the face of the doll, but I prefer the body of all the other dolls I listed. As far as money is concerned. I will save for many years before buying any of these sex dolls. So I think the best way is to make sense.

2019-09-17 04:21:33

Of course not needed ... I found that the most time is to step on the heel. But the worst part is that we don't see the passage of time. As any purchase is this move, it is very important to see the product even if it takes you to 500 terminals will cost you less in the end. There are several performance rooms in France, especially the love doll in the center, where you can see different models of Păpușă de sex japoneză, TPE and silicone. It's done now, it's too late and everyone makes mistakes, I assure you.

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