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Cum ați alege vaginul păpușii

3.7 K


I quickly searched for the problem of the sexual doll's vagina. But no results, so please forgive me if you have been asked many times before. When you buy a doll, you can choose to fix the vagina or the movable vagina, but I think the fixation is more like a real thing or a mistake. Are they wearing it? Or the one that is removable is just easy to clean and then take the entire doll to the bathroom to clean her. I have never thought I will ask these questions for a million years. They don't spend any more, but it's like ordering different plugins, you can get different feelings.

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Un singur răspuns:

3.7 K


Conform experienței mele, papusa sex's labia detail wears on the fixed vagina, but it can be repaired. Some of the more recent dolls have realistic labia and inserts. I don't remember what type it is, but I believe I have seen it somewhere, which is, in my opinion, the best idea. I think your other points of view sum up the pros and cons. Because I have to study if she needs to get a replacement easier. I just told my friend that I am going to buy a doll because I am very open to them because they have known me for many years. I reminded them that they have seen me with a real woman, so I am not an expert in the following things. All those fancy names. When I invested in a doll and ordered a company, I liked both of them from urdolls. Their sex dolls look so real and more realistic than Madame Tussauds.

2019-06-14 04:31:03

Therefore, real sex dolls can be fully aggregated in the mold within a reasonable time, and the dolls will only be demolded after the aggregation is completed. Monomer-a pretty molecule that can be linked to other molecules by a "chain" or "pad". It means "a part". A substance formed when polymer-monomers are chemically bonded together. In layman's terms, polymers are plastic. Means "many parts". Catalyst-A chemical substance that initiates a reaction but does not participate in the reaction.

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