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Cum să schimb aspectul păpușii mele sexuale

6.2 K


You all know that I ordered my new sex doll. I have already waited, just give me a sign that silicone has touched the mold. So I looked over and over again about the doll mate I wanted and the way I liked her, because you all have great dolls and you chose them yourself but I ended up choosing a finished design, but I started thinking Regarding whether I should take the same view or do all the new mannequins I have done. Because I ordered my new mannequin, I found the cosmetics I wanted online. Because this is my personalization, she showed me what I like to see, so I went looking for it.

Fotografie TPE lube

Un singur răspuns:

6.2 K


I think I will re-edit the appearance of my papusa sex and send the photo above to my doll. I think I should loosen the freckles because all she needs is physical traces. Imagine that they can leave fine hair on the doll, just like a real person. It really blows people away. When I found her, I would let my friend see her, I know that when I opened the box, I would hear the expression on my face astonished. She is gorgeous, but I will be careful about your choice. Before you know it, you will be crazy with a variety of possibilities. I plan to be blown away when you open the box, and little things like freckles and eye shadows are really not that big. I think the sex doll you choose looks amazing. But if you want to make a change, make a mistake in a conservative way, as you seem to be doing. And remember, you can always order different headers. I have always thought it would be a good idea to get at least one extra version of the same head, but there is a completely different makeup scheme just to increase diversity. By the way, you can always get a face that looks natural. And change the look of a sex doll as long as you think it fits. But if you are like me, that idea doesn't seem to appeal.

2019-06-14 03:52:02

Also, if it is to be cured properly, it must be in an open air environment (difficult in the mold), otherwise water cannot escape and this will slow down or stop the curing reaction. So if "tin" curing is done in the real sex dolls mold, the curing will soon stop and when the doll is removed, it will start again (unless it is somehow prohibited).

Throughout the journey, I set the development era of sex dolls as one of the most exciting things I have witnessed in my life. Not long ago, sex dolls were made of plastic and could be inflated and deflated at will. Don't get me wrong-these pieces are amazing, because this piece is unobtrusive, you can hide them in the closet as soon as you finish. However, there is a price to pay because the doll is neither beautiful nor close to real objects.

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