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A mutat cineva păpușa sexuală AD Cup în granița SUA sau canadiană?



Has anyone bought and moved dolls on the US/Canada border? How complicated is this. Before entering Canada, the first thing is to stop at US Customs and announce the dolls and their value. Another useful thing is to minimize the dolls, without underwear or innocence, so they can check faster. Crossing can be easily passed. Busy is better than the local. These will help reduce transit time. We were seriously troubled when we returned to the United States in Buffalo, New York. We packed the box behind the Dodge minivan like a coffin. Although we never opened the box and actually showed them dolls, we were asked in a building far from the car. There are instruments that say it is a second-hand doll made in the United States, so it is "returned" and is a very professional combination of photos. If he makes a profit from shooting a doll, then this raises questions. When a female border guard gave up the million dollar problem, the problem quickly ended. Can you have sex with a sex doll.

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Can you clarify? Which way do you go? Transportation ? I have helped transport sex dolls from Canada to the United States. And there is a doll shipped from Canada to the United States. We even let the dolls drive. I forgot who said what, but basically... yes... this is a doll. And we have more at home. And we no longer doubt that something is wrong, but a few middle-aged, gray-haired men and their sex toys. I wish you a happy day and drive carefully. Don't let the door touch your papusa sex's ass on the way out.

2019-08-26 09:23:34

Hats and glasses cover the face, reducing their possible impact. But when she was at a loss, I wanted to do something else for her. I'm interested in owning a doll I imagine, at least we don't keep trying to "understand" an incomprehensible. Do you think this is a shocking reality? Because good old inflatable dolls will definitely make them laugh.

In addition to the initial cost of purchasing a sex doll, the overall maintenance cost of the doll is very low. This may explain the growing popularity and global appreciation of these amazing casual dolls. The doll only needs to be cleaned regularly and stored well between uses.

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