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Faceți o declarație în avans pentru păpușa sexuală TPE care trece frontiera



The sex doll crossing point being talked about is at Niagara Falls. We spent the night there before heading to Canada. I want to see the waterfall at night, but we are very troublesome on both sides of the crossroads, we went down to another major intersection the next day. Another time I crossed the road in Calais, Maine and St. Steven New Brunswick. I have relatives in Canada and I know the area well. There are three intersections in the area, and I chose one of the local owners' main trailers. This is a mistake because I spent more than two hours, they opened the van and looked at the 3 personality dolls.

Achiziţionarea Menține silicon

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Officials asked what you could say to make me believe that you would not sell these papusa sex in Canada. I told him my declaration, and he said that there was a wonderful day. Come back, I am a fast cat. I don't think the officer even wants to look at this document. He even saw sitting next to me, the other crew members on the ferry, and sent me to the road. I got all sorts of crazy advice. Is this a high fashion doll? and many more. Sounds like an honest return. I think the best advice is to make a statement in advance and tell the truth. This applies not only to sex dolls, but also to anything of value. Especially those that are not everyday people crossing the border.

2019-08-26 09:30:19

My first impression was that the coldness of exposure prompted me to invest in heating blankets. And the poor position of the vagina makes it complicated to laugh from behind. I telephoned the person who sold it, and although I didn't buy anything from him, I want to thank him for all the information he provided. You have knocked on the door, because you will find it on the website, with the help of members and the choice of French sellers, a doll will match the budget according to the criteria you choose, you must define it yourself.

After repeating this process once or twice, you can finally put down the load you have been saving for and trust me... it will be very worth the wait. Unfortunately, when it comes to self-stimulation, many men tend to stick to the status quo. Unfortunately, most men will not engage in sexual exploration of the rest of the body in their lifetime. Usually this is caused by embarrassment or just unwillingness to stimulate more taboo parts of the body.

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