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Înțelegeți mai bine viața păpușii sexuale japoneze

6.7 K


I am not sure what kind of goodwill you can give to the eyes of Japanese sex dolls. eyelash. Still I miss this paragraph. This is a very useful clue to me and helps me understand the life of the doll better than I hoped. I am very happy to know that some of them have been in existence for more than ten years. I have another question now. Does anyone have a heated doll? Is it worth the extra $$ when ordering? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Is heating carried out by copper or other types of conductivity? What is the life of the heater? Thank you for your welcome reply. You can let the sex doll face down on the bed and violently beat her ass. And her face is rubbing the sheets.

silicon Japonez Fotografie

Un singur răspuns:

6.7 K


It is a skill to learn to change clothes on a Păpușă de sex japoneză without causing damage. For example, a tight-fitting pullover to get this photo. You can't do it like a real girl, because the doll is not so flexible: First, I take off my head! That is half of the solution. (Not all dolls can easily move their heads.) Next, I found out that I had to "mock" the action, because it wasn't obvious: I pretend that the pullover was on her and then moved like I took it off; On her neck and arms. Then, I actually reversed the process, straightened her arms (a variety of techniques also helped), and then pulled the neck hole up so that the pullover would reach the body. Dressing is equally difficult. All of this puts your fingers at risk. And - if you can't move the beginning. It is possible to damage the eyelashes of the sex doll.

2019-10-09 03:15:04

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