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Încă aștept sosirea păpușii sexuale japoneze



I just bought a rare big tits Japanese sex doll. But I am still waiting for it to come. At the same time, I want to know if anyone has experience in these areas. I read the comments and watched the video on the torso of Goldman Sachs. These breasts are said to be the most realistic silicone breast sensation ever. I know that the current formula is the benchmark standard. It is said that the formula here is also very good, but I have not experienced it yet. The softest and most beautiful silicone breast that my hand touched came from the body that solidified tin. She knows who she is. The breasts of sex dolls are absolutely refined. Even better than some real women I have experienced.

Perucă silicon Japonez

Un singur răspuns:



If these are the case. Then I will definitely be in the paradise of the D Cup Păpușă de sex japoneză. Any ideas? I also want to hear any response. Always looking for the perfect tit. My girl's breasts are great, but each breast is missing one or two things, so it can't be perfect. And I don't know any doll breasts that will shake (normal size). My package should arrive this Friday, and I will let you know how they feel. My troops are full of traps and poisons, but I have never seen any signs of rodents. If your sex doll has a removable insert. Then a pot of water and a bucket should be clean enough.

2019-10-09 04:06:11

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