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Cumperi și deții o păpușă sexuală de lux

5.7 K


I made some repairs to the deeply torn armpit of the pretty sex doll and it looks great. Seeing the image, maybe I missed my call as a plastic surgeon for the doll. It works best when it is a fresh liquid, discarding bad. If used, there will only be grief. Or tried it. It works very well on some old rubber molds, and even from 10 years ago, I used acetone to clean the areas to be bonded. Use the right amount without having to wipe anything off. This is what you are. Stay with some parcels to keep your arms down and still. I wish you good luck ladies and your sex dolls.

machiaj Vagin TPE

Un singur răspuns:

5.7 K


If it really does dry up, then obviously you can get rid of it. But if only partially dry it should work fine. For a 4 ounce tube, the shit is like 30 dollars because it is not "fresh" and a bit expensive. If it works, it works. Just a bad suggestion. Why do you want to play games, waste your time, make your repairs more difficult, I use and fill the syringe directly when I need to repair. A very precise application. When you have to do this for the second time, unless you have major surgery or repairs, the cost will be more expensive than you need. But it can be obtained directly from the source and has a shelf life of up to one year. If you buy and own a high-end păpușă sexuală drăguță. This is the product you need at hand.

2019-09-23 03:35:14

Don't hesitate to ask all questions, even the weirdest ones you think! You will always get the answer. Hello 42 years old, family! Some sex toys ... But just because I saw the doll, I convinced myself that it was normal and that the idea of having one was not healthy. Is it a serious doctor? Not very talkative but would love feedback!

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