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Care este diferența dintre o păpușă gonflabilă și o păpușă sexuală autentică

5.7 K


With the development of the age, no matter what, it is constantly improving. The same is true for sex dolls. In the past, we saw those single men who basically liked to use inflatable dolls, so now? Is it the same? In fact, if we take a closer look, we will find that many people are more concerned about the difference between physical dolls and inflatables. Especially when the material quality of modern people has been greatly improved, it is more desirable to know whether they can enjoy great sexual love. So if in this case, we are not using the inflatable doll first.

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Un singur răspuns:

5.7 K


As long as we see the authenticity papusa sex, it is very clear. The difference between a physical doll and an inflatable is not big. After all, these solid dolls are very delicate. That is to say, she is indeed a model artificial person, whether it is hair, no nails, or even some, they are so delicate that even some capillaries or pores, it is very clear. Of course, the focus is on these dolls, and their beauty are still customized according to the appearance of many beautiful women. When many men look at such a beautiful beauty, they will certainly be unable to handle the manual. Then when they touch the skin of a very delicate sex doll, I believe that it is easy to have a sexual impulse.

2019-07-17 22:25:20

As for this new company, adult dolls are fine. If anyone wants to order one of them, it's your funeral! Just don't tell us because we don't want to know. When the postman breaks you after signing the real sex doll, we will read about you in the news. I say your argument is strong because it is strong.

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