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Când faci sex cu păpușa ta

How about a lace bra and thong. There is an opening in the front of the bra to expose the nipple of the Papusi WM; with this, you can easily make her topless. Choose a shiny red for this bra and crotchless panties. The polyester material makes these items ideal for special occasions, such as your first wedding night; it is not suitable for daily use. The lace fabric is light and easy to clean. It will also dry out in a short time. You may have noticed that in the past few years, the sexy lingerie of your sex doll has changed. Today, you can choose a variety of styles and designs from completely simple to modern. You can choose the style that suits your partner's honeymoon night.

Așadar, bucură-te de vacanță cu păpușa ta sexuală și nu uita să închei toată distracția cu niște sex sălbatic, pe tema sărbătorilor. Mai ales când ai un teatru în aer liber complet echipat, nu poți greși niciodată. Dacă nu ești pregătit să-i întâmpini păpușii, te rugăm să găsești cadouri pentru păpușa ta, partenerul tău sau pentru tine... Folosește jucării realiste, vaginuri, lubrifianți, vibratoare etc. pentru a adăuga distracție vacanței tale!

In fact, it is not an easy question to answer how long a sex doll can live. This is because the life span of sex dolls varies with materials, uses, and care. According to our research and past user experience, if you use her/him correctly and take good care of her/him, the Papusa dragostei on our website can be used for 2 to 10 years. The wear resistance of TPE is not as good as that of silicone, so you need to be extra careful. It can tear apart more easily and wears faster. However, if you take good care of your doll, her life span will be as long as that of a silicone doll.

cumpăra păpușă sexuală

Silicone is generally considered a more durable material. Silica gel is non-porous, making it easier to clean. Generally, silicone dolls are more durable than TPE dolls and are not easy to tear. The disadvantage is that it is a bit expensive and more difficult. The doll is doing well, but TPE is competing for its money. The way and frequency you use will definitely shorten the life of the Păpușă de sex masculin. If you treat her/him rudely or you overuse it day and night, especially in the vagina, the doll can easily be damaged and torn. This is why many sex dolls have removable vaginas or penis, so they can be cleaned easily and can be replaced if the parts are damaged.

For many people, the future of sex dolls has a lot of excitement, a large part of which can be attributed to the rise of artificial intelligence. This means that a more realistic experience can now be provided, and new AI features have been developed. Artificial intelligence allows more anatomically accurate sex organs and body characteristics, as well as providing more abilities than sex. With the true innovation of artificial intelligence sex dolls, speaking and interaction will become more common functions.

Star porno Papusa sexuala anime are also available now. These are attractive because they provide the realism and precision that most people are looking for. Not only are they realistic, but they are also based entirely on porn stars you may have seen many times. To avoid rubbing and damaging your skin, you absolutely need to use a water-based lubricant. When you have sex with your doll, you want it to be a pleasant experience, not a painful experience, so try not to ignore this step.

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