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De ce tot mai mulți bărbați aleg păpușile sexuale TPE ca iubite?

Can I try any sexual positions? Men are usually dissatisfied with the usual sexual postures. Various poses appeared in pornographic movies, but women were unable to perform. Have you seen the style of a dog and want to try it? Or do you want to try 69 or anal sex? Sex dolls can enjoy any posture. These wishes can only be met by sex dolls. Sex dolls allow you to have sex and have the position you want. There is also no time limit. In order to give people a feeling of having sex with women in real life, these sex dolls are made of high-quality materials. Your sex doll will never say no to you. It will execute all your orders with a smile. Men have sex with Papusi WM, pressure and friction are combined, and it feels like heaven.

Pot păpușile sexuale să facă sex anal? Sexul anal este o expresie a dorințelor și viselor multor bărbați, dar ei știu că nu se pot bucura de el. Motivul cel mai fundamental este că femeile nu sunt la fel de flexibile precum apar în filmele pornografice. Este foarte greu să găsești o femeie care să fie cel puțin dispusă să încerce acest gen de sex. Chiar dacă ai norocul să întâlnești o astfel de femeie, vei descoperi că sexul anal este cu adevărat dificil, aproape imposibil.

If you regard Papusa dragostei as part of your life, then you have to learn to cherish it, because your investment in it is huge. You need to know how to store, maintain and extend its life. No company can guarantee the service life of its sex doll products. They can't describe it with any material, because your frequency of use, cleaning method, storage method and other conditions will affect its service life.

papusa sexuala tabu pur

As with any product, the use time of a life-size Păpușă de sex masculin depends on the frequency of use. If used too frequently, it will increase the possibility of wear during use and cleaning. A sex doll can move its joints like a real person, but if the joints fold frequently, they are easy to break. Different manufacturers will choose different materials according to the cost. There will be no obvious difference in the appearance of sex dolls, but there will be obvious differences after use. Inferior materials will greatly shorten its life. Although silicone and TPE materials are expensive, the factories supplied must use the highest grade TPE, which makes it more durable than silicone dolls on the market.

Why do more and more men choose TPE sex dolls as their lovers? Let us admit-you have considered buying a sex doll at least once in your life. To be honest, everyone has done something like this before. However, considering or buying adult sex dolls has always been a taboo topic in our society. Nevertheless, more and more men choose TPE sex dolls as their lovers. But why do they do this? Are TPE sex dolls a better choice than classic silicon dolls?

What is a TPE sex doll? TPE sex dolls are made of a new material called thermoplastic elastomer, which is an advanced Papusa sexuala anime. Their uniqueness lies in their high elasticity and flexibility, all thanks to TPE. Although you can assume that their cost is one arm and one leg, in fact, TPE is quite affordable. This is entirely because the base material is cheaper and easier to produce than classic silicone.

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