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Persoana care cumpără prima păpușă are nevoie de sfaturi



I am interested in buying my first doll. I like Tanabe, a pretty flat-breasted doll. Does anyone own this or know who is doing it. I believe it is also known as a realistic look. I will use it for sexual intercourse. I just like the face of that model. I have not yet determined my body. She is ranked 1st on the urdolls website. Yes, I hope to find someone who has a person. I want to see photos that are not professional photos. You don't need to find professional lighting on the website to understand the actual nature of the doll's appearance. I want to know what I got before I saw an invisible product. I really like the look of this doll, I am very happy to be able to buy it, but I just want to be completely confident first. I am definitely an owner myself, you remember what your first purchase of a doll was like. Partial tension and excitement.

Aşteptare Sugera Furnizor

Un singur răspuns:



Welcome to ride, the best way to answer your questions is to have this papusa sex. It depends on what your main goal for the doll is. Some high-quality dolls will cost more, last longer, more realistic, but more difficult to have sex. You must buy an email at a reasonable price, but what's interesting is that it will be for the US. The kind question is much cheaper. Other brands will be easy to associate, but will not last long. What do you want from the doll? I believe the delegates are happy to answer any questions you have on their dolls. Maybe you can take a look at the customer reviews about this sex doll. Their opinions may be able to help you and wish you good luck.

2019-07-05 03:18:42

I went to a living room and asked about silicone tattoos. They said silicone would tear the skin, but one member said that silicone must be a really soft needle to work properly. I think he meant to be warm. Yes, there needs to be a sealant for warming the skin. I made a real sex doll in the factory and it looks great.

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