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Păpușile sexuale sunt mai iritante decât porno



Anti-porn activists talked a lot about the objectification of sex dolls. But in my opinion, if a woman/woman really looks like an object. The porn doesn't feel very satisfying. It does not move, speak or react. She mentioned anime porn - well, this is not a real person, but there are still sounds, movements and movements (I guess). Even in photos, actions and presentations are not factors, I think most people would prefer to see a gorgeous real woman. Rather than a gorgeous real doll (at least in one photo: a man is willing to own it. Sexual relationships with women or sex dolls is a different issue. This is about sexual activity preferences, not porn preferences.

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Personal tastes will always be different, but "real" porn doesn't always win more. I found some endless anime and comics, and these papusa sex photos or videos are more exciting. Trying to go for ten or more years, yes, doll porn is better than ordinary porn, because I know it is staged, I will never meet that person. I have my female, but I always put what I get on what I want! As I grow older, I won't say it anymore. Because I know that if I buy a sex doll, at least I know that I will experience something close to what I have seen. Real porn will only make me feel depressed.

2019-08-05 02:47:30

You should always use a hand shower to clean your love doll. You can control the steam and pressure of water while cleaning the doll. In the beginning, they must be avoided at all costs. Therefore, we will use non-judgment tools. How do you make sure you make the right choice?

Lara Croft sex doll: The ancient Lara Croft is another very popular fictional sex doll. For decades, she captured the hearts of sexual men first in video game series and then in movie theaters. She is known for her beautiful body, acrobatic movements, and beautiful but tough appearance. Her most famous portrayal is Angelina Zhu. She is made by WM Doll, one of the most famous and famous sex doll manufacturers in the world. You can be sure that she is well made and can last a long time!

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