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Alții pot avea o imagine slabă a proprietății TPE pentru păpuși sexuale

7.3 K


Those in the hobby. Want the world to know about sex dolls and the pleasure we get from them for any purpose. This is dangerous because our hobbies are considered abnormal for the inexperienced, whether you like it or not, so please accept it. It's territory, there's nothing you can do about it, so if you like the idea of being called a pervert or a morbid, please continue to speak out. Few in the public will listen to you or support you. Think about the general public. That is, your friends, neighbors or colleagues may or may not take a fairly bleak view of sex doll ownership. It doesn't make much sense.

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Un singur răspuns:

7.3 K


Most of us understand this from the first day we order our Păpușă sexuală TPE. They are right that they should. Of course not like it or not, anyone has the right to think about what they want, right? . I only need to do this a few times in 1.5 years. If you plan to use your doll for movement, then you should stay away from punching. I will get 3D eyebrows, they are very good, they are more durable. Keep in mind that if your doll becomes so "blank-faced" for a while and you worry about eyebrows, you're more likely to damage longer and weaker eyelashes. But as Eva says, for close contact with the eyes, piercings are the most realistic. So it really depends on what you're going to do with your doll, and for how long. All our problems are rare. And most people are better able to terrain sex doll public opinion, because they are in the majority.

2019-09-04 02:29:45

Because in good faith, I have no patience ... and I haven't seen myself "staying" my eyes burned by the computer screen ... so I looked around and found the idea of loneliness / hug at night at first sight. Worse The thing is, if you can sleep well with the lady tonight, it is even better. You can also make an appointment in the showroom and see some models with your own eyes.

He took another deep breath. "You should really fall asleep, you know." Na's voice made the air in her lungs startled. When she turned to look at him, he touched the lamp to turn it on, blue eyes tired but worried. "When did you start pretending to talk in your sleep?" Richard was very happy, but also a little worried. "When you stop telling me what went wrong." Nina smiled and told him it was okay, he was sure she knew what was bothering him.

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