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Comandă o adevărată păpușă sexuală visătoare ca o mireasă prin corespondență



I can't say that I spend all the asking prices and sex dolls. My budget is very strict, which makes it difficult to find what I want in the doll. I adopted all the dolls, and fortunately I found my favorite silicone girl. On the Porsche side, I got the GT3 I was pursuing, even though it was the second hand. If I have enough money or want to pay a deposit and pay in time, I will probably order a girl's twins. I am very fortunate to be able to use the original version. Full price or adoption, they deserve every penny, like other members have already said, real art. If you are interested in silicone sex dolls, take the time to choose your choice and beauty configuration wisely, because when your girl arrives, you don't want it to end up being a bad date. This is a rare opportunity. You can order a real dreamy doll in the way you like, without compromise.

Achiziţionarea Sugera Investi

Un singur răspuns:



My special experience is the fear of allocating funds for dolls. But when the papusa sex arrived, she was very interesting in all aspects. Then when she helped me with a series of photos as a car model to help sell my friend's car, my friend was my wife's friend, the imagination was small, unmarried, and let me stick to the doll, which made me feel very happy. Tell her I can choose her car and my silicone lady costs more than her car, and I will choose my doll. After that I didn't have more persistence and was more respectful than before, even though she was stupid enough not to use photos. Like everyone else, my short answer is not. For some of us, they are more than just sex dolls, and they are a bit like real mail-order brides.

2019-07-02 04:40:50

Very interesting, if I want to say a few words: I think most people will immediately realize the difference between mannequins and high-end silicone real sex dolls. Especially if you happen to come across them. And, if any man of red bloodlines thinks these dolls are "just furniture", he is either in the other direction (it doesn't matter) or he needs to see a doctor to check his testosterone levels.

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