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Mulți oameni încep să folosească aceste modele de păpuși sexuale ca suport emoțional

No matter which store you find on the Internet to make a purchase, always make sure to clearly state the papusa sex anime producător și vânzător pe pagina „Despre noi”. Descrierea exactă a produsului. Păpușa de dragoste pe care intenționați să o cumpărați ar trebui să aibă o descriere clară, inclusiv înălțimea și greutatea. Puțini dintre ele oferă informații detaliate despre mărimea sânilor și adâncimea gurii, a vaginului și a cavității anale.

On the market now, the development of the sex doll industry is getting better and better, and everyone has gradually accepted the existence of sex dolls. So everyone knows, can sex dolls be washed? Today urdolls will tell you in detail whether sex dolls can be washed. Nowadays, many people start to use these sex doll models as their emotional support. Many doll brand customers complain that they cannot easily meet people or date through various online social software (such as facebook, whatsapp and Skype).

In this regard, Mr. David, the urdolls real doll, said: “There are many discussions on the Internet. People are trapped in their homes and feel lonely and need someone to accompany them.” Finally, the finished product is placed in a special dust removal warehouse, wrapped in plastic film, and hung. stand up. When a customer places an order, the factory will pick up the goods from the warehouse based on the sample number and place them in a reliable and safe box for delivery. There will be foam cushions and blankets to wrap the păpuși sexuale ieftine to protect all parts of the sex doll.

John, CEO-ul urdolls, a spus că acest lucru este în mare măsură legat de atmosfera culturală a societății japoneze. În zilele noastre, în lumea reală, femeile sunt uneori mai dominante decât bărbații și nu sunt întotdeauna atenți la bărbați. El a exprimat, de asemenea, necesitatea de a privi această problemă dintr-o perspectivă pe termen mai lung. Din ce în ce mai mulți oameni găsesc viața dificilă, așa că, într-o anumită măsură, aceste păpuși iubitoare sunt făcute să le sprijine.

Perucile folosite de papusa de dragoste are the same as those used by women. Therefore, buying a wig will not be too difficult. Just need to guarantee a certain size. In addition to offline barber shops, you can also buy wigs in our urdolls store. Human compassion, objects as creatures. A research team from Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan published a study in Scientific Reports in 2015 that provided the first neurophysiological evidence for human emotions towards sex dolls. At that time, the researchers asked the test subjects to watch pictures of wounds on the fingers of humans and sex dolls. The results showed that the testers had similar empathy for humans and sex dolls.

These sex dolls are made of high-quality silicone or TPE. These two options give it a skin-like touch, allowing people to express it in a real way different from reality. At the same time, as the metal structure of the skeleton, they also make the choice of sex doll models more changes. Just like any other industry, the sex doll industry has witnessed countless developments. Initially, dolls were made of inflatable materials. Later, the doll was not only made of TPE and silicone, but also encrypted by artificial intelligence, fully imitating a human being. How did the idea of the sex doll experience hall come about, and where did it start?


Anunț despre păpuși sexuale reale

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