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Lubrifiantul sexual este cel mai bun lubrifiant pentru păpușile sexuale japoneze

In Japan at the beginning of the 20th century, there was also a "bronze papusa de dragoste", which was a sex doll based on the image of ancient Chinese characters. The society at that time belonged to the upper class and bought special toys. On the one hand, it uses its own materials to set off social identity. On the other hand, it is to satisfy their fetishes. The development of these sex dolls in Japanese society is unprecedented and very common. After creating the model, it helps to build a "negative" mold in which the entire doll will be built.

More specifically, a mold is a container into which a metal and plastic skeleton is placed, and then thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) or silicone is poured. Generally speaking, people cannot see their partner and other sexual partners. Today you will find many cases that have damaged the relationship of many couples around the world because of extramarital affairs or having sex with others. However, in this regard, Aiwawa may be the right choice. The feeling of having sex with Aiwawa is really great.

People can easily see their partners have sex with this papusa sex anime. The silicone doll is very realistic, the cavities of the vagina and anus look very realistic, you will not feel any difference. When it comes to silicone lovers, you can also bathe with adult dolls because they are heatresistant. They are also unaffected by water and stains. Due to their texture, they are easier to clean and require less maintenance.

The material is hypoallergenic, avoid allergies. They are more expensive than TPE dolls, but due to other advantages, they are very popular. Although the use of realistic sex dolls is still a taboo around the world, it is common to find large numbers of people crazy about them. The regular growth in global sales is undoubtedly an important sign of their social acceptance among men and women. You can customize the love doll according to your specific needs, because the main purpose is to satisfy customers.

Xixi - DL Silicon Papusa Sex Fata Japoneza Fat Doodle Fat Perfect Body

Dolls before puberty are illegal. Of course, sex dolls are legal in all 50 states of the country, and there is only one pretty thing that needs the buyer's attention. Remember, it is illegal to sell and buy preadolescent and pretty dolls, this is where you need to protect. Compared with adult toys, a key and unique factor that sex dolls provide users is that the stimulation of sex dolls is unrestricted. In addition to this unique advantage, they also provide many other benefits for owners.

Therefore, inferior raw materials lack smooth and soft texture. In addition, it is very fragile and susceptible to pretty scratches, which is a point that cannot be ignored. These sex dolls, whether they are medical grade TPE materials or silicone materials, will not have any allergies or adverse reactions to lubricants or standard cleaning agents.

This means that if you use lubricant, the papusa japoneza de sex will not suffer any injury or accidental damage. Waterbased lubricant is the best lubricant for Japanese sex dolls. They also help to make anal sex safer and longer lasting. People use it to enjoy a longer sex life. Avoid using petroleumbased and oilbased lubricants, as they may harm your doll.


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