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Dacă trebuie să scapi de dorința ta sexuală pentru un trunchi de păpușă sexuală

These dolls have the same anatomy and sexual characteristics as full-size sex dolls. So that means they come with full orifice packaging for vaginal, anal or oral sex. However, some models will come with both, one or neither. Dolls without a chest segment belong to that category, and generally only have chests.

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Un singur răspuns:

Are you looking for a cheap sex doll category? Then, a Păpușă de sex masculin torso might be the way to go. The group consists of various models, each with quality-determining characteristics to increase the user's sexual attractiveness and satisfaction. Whether it's silicone or TPE, the prices here are pretty affordable for anyone on a budget. However, it must be remembered that, despite being cheap overall, specific models do have their prices. The ratio of silicone sex dolls is always higher than that of TPE models according to their specific design.If you need to get rid of your sexual desire for a sex doll torso, getting one will help. 

2022-01-11 07:08:51

The background should not be too close to the person being photographed, otherwise, the color of the background will be reflected on the face and body, affecting the performance of the person. There is a certain distance between the background and the subject, which can be treated as an independent individual when lighting. The contrast between the sex doll and the background is not always obtained by differences in brightness, but also by differences in color.The color of the clothes of the Papusa sexuala anime being photographed should be in harmony with the skin tone and the atmosphere of the performance. For people with an active personality, the color of the clothes should be bright. Less vibrant colors are used only to express quiet personality. Brighter clothing colors are more suitable for people with dark skin tones and dark hair than people with lighter skin and hair.


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Produse populare pentru păpuși sexuale realiste