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Cum să scoți păpuși sexuale din stand?



Many people have questions about whether there is an easy way to get sex dolls out of the booth. In addition, the modifier can be connected/unconnected without unscrewing the eyebolts. Just unlock the accessories. Just hold it down until you hear a click. Then the doll is locked. You need to hook or unhook on a stand often a little lower than a wall stand, at least put your eyes on the horizontal line. After removing her from the stand, place one arm under her leg, then reach behind and remove her from the stand. Then lift it up. Also pay attention to the back straight and bend or separate your legs. This makes the back pressure less and makes it easier to wear/take off the doll.

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Most people use hook-hanging papusa sex, some use air fittings, but it's basically the same. For a variety of reasons, they may use air fittings instead of eyebolts and hooks. The main advantage is that the doll will be stored directly and close to the wall, so no mat is needed. Slide the back to the neck bolt and align with the hook when docking. The extra step of the accessory is to move the hand from her back neck to her throat, push her away, and then pull her hip forward. When she heard the snoring, she was locked. Also, when connecting the pose modifier, you need a strong connection that allows the doll to stand up and down. It also helps dolls and dolls stand because there is no need for a back pad.

2019-06-10 07:37:32

Half full or half empty? When it comes to glass sex toys, most people use the word "man". But as this technology advances, what does this mean for humans and robots themselves? Before diving into dolls, it's a good thing to know how to love them. Check out our introduction to sex dolls here.

— Dacă tatălui îi place asta, spuse ea, aplecându-se în față, mângâind ușor burnița cu buzele ei calde și umede. „Stai puțin, el va vedea ce se întâmplă cu masajul corect al prostatei”. M-am simțit entuziasmat pentru ea. Am auzit „clic” și „zumzet” vibratorului și am privit-o aducând aparatul de masaj pentru prostată în câmpul vizual. Am spus: „Nu știu cum să fac asta”. „Instrucțiuni, iubito, întinde-mi picioarele pentru mine”. Ea a instruit, dornică să mulțumească, și am făcut-o. "Da, iubito, aici vine..."

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