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Ce zici de curățarea vaginală a unei păpuși sexuale plug-in?



I have heard of inserts, especially silicone dolls, which have a softness different from the doll itself. This is another benefit. I recently learned something about inserting (new to me). It looks like the insert is very different from the other inserts I know. For their dolls, the labia is permanently attached to the doll, and the insert is inside - completely invisible from the outside. After this incident, I communicated with them. As I said, this is new to me, but I think this is a good idea. I will soon learn about this - I finally ordered their new sex doll. I personally like the inserts for cleaning. I have to deal with potential water and foam in my bedroom, which is not a satisfying thing. We do this. I took out the insert to handle the cleaning of the bathroom and the toilet. I didn't pull the sex doll there.

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Maybe one day when artificial partner papusa sex can clean themselves. This topic will not even be a problem. Until then inserted. It does come down to personal preference, but I have three TPE dolls all 153 cm, two of which have a fixed vagina and one with an insert, which does not work for me. I will never buy another doll with an insert. The fixed vagina looks better and feels very good, it's just better (at least for me). Insertion is not recommended when using TPE, so when you calculate the time and likelihood of damage caused by inserting the insert and the time to remove the insert. In fact, I need to take longer to clean up the sex doll because it cleans the two girls for me compared to a fixed vagina. But as I said at the end of the day, this is really a personal choice.

2019-07-03 03:34:03

I don't think I can allow this to happen. In my 62 years, for many different reasons, some people behind me laughed at my real sex doll. I also had people face me in crowded rooms. I have learned not to do good or bad things about what others think of me. Soon I can determine who my true friends are and who are just friends. Some people can only tolerate me because they have to do it.

As Dave told her, she is now wearing no underwear. She feels cheap and slutty. This feeling only intensified her desire to spank. You can treat her like you treat her and get the treatment you deserve. She knew that this thought was terrible, but it was so passionate that whenever it entered her mind, the desire between her legs turned into a desperate heat. The doorbell rang, and Mia quickly walked to the door. She looked through the peephole and saw Dave standing there. She opened the door for him and led him into the room.

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